
I had a chance to hear Bobbi Brown speak, and wrote about it in this post here.

See if you can Where’s Waldo my name on Bobbi’s insta

There was a question and answer portion at the end, and I was lucky enough to get to ask the incomparable Bobbi Brown a question.

When Bobbi started her talk, she talked about how she forged her brand an inspiration above what the trendy thing to do was around her (hilariously enough it was heavy contour and drag queen level makeup…sound familiar). Well my question picked up from that moment, how do you find inspiration and direction in your personal brand and style, without getting caught up in what’s trendy?

Bobbi said something that I’m sure I’ll harp on forever…she doesn’t look at makeup for makeup inspo, or magazines to decide what’s stylish…she looks at other art forms to draw inspiration.

Well that got me thinking, if I look outside of clothes, magazines, etc. where would I draw my inspiration for my personal brand…and I decided to make a mini inspiration board to share with you all, so you can get a sense of the aesthetic I want for my blog, instagram, my pesonal style, my apartment, hell, even myself.

The women, the vibe, the locations, the colors, the vibe is where I plan on taking my brand this year. But I wanted to take a page from Bobbi and share where I draw my inspiration from.

Who or what inspires you beyond the typical places…what locations, photographers, old movies, etc. do you draw inspo from?



9 thoughts on “#Inspo

  1. I draw my inspiration from color, I like to surrounded by lots of color. Palm prints are really in right now but I just can’t find any clothes in that print that I like.


  2. wow! I seriously loved this! I totally agree with gathering inspiration and ideas outside of what society is telling us the trend is. I love old hollywood, (Audrey Hepburn, Bardot, Grace Kelley) the real effortless beauty and grace they carried. Great post!


  3. I love this so much! It is a great question, I think I pull inspiration from the beauty all around me that I experience each day, and put that into my brand. I do love Ginger Rogers though. “The only way to enjoy anything in life is to earn it first”


  4. I love this so much! It is a great question, I think I pull inspiration from the beauty all around me that I experience each day, and put that into my brand. I do love Ginger Rogers though. “The only way to enjoy anything in life is to earn it first”


  5. First of all, so jealous that you got to hear her speak I LOVE HER. Second of all what good advice/inspiration that is! I’ve been completely redecorating our home and it’s amazing what a change in scenery will do for your creativity!

    Cheers! Madison


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